With the forthcoming changes to CDC, clients are looking to their providers for increased transparency, communication and co-ordination. In the complex world of service delivery, helping ensure clients needs are met, requires increased communication and seamless transparency.

Many providers have invested heavily in staff optimisation and technology based management tools, but there is a growing desire and expectation for clients and their advocates to be connected and updated in real time.  Being able to see at a glance, visit history, status updates from provider care teams and also having their own informal carers part of this information feed, supports clients and carers in new ways.

“The frustrating and challenging moments for me were the hand-off between (mum’s) carers and myself” a Victorian client mentioned in a recent interview.  “Our schedules don’t align which means i only get to mum’s place after the carer has left…and i am not really sure what has or hasn’t happened”.  Informal carers are integral to the support provided to clients around the world.  As client needs increase and become more diverse, pressures are placed on informal carers who are pushed to search for service providers who can compliment the support they provide.

Whilst most care technology platforms support a client portal, there are few that offer a positive and user friendly environment in which a new form of collaboration can occur.  “hayylo” has been rapidly expanding their product that helps provide this exact “glue” between friends, family members, informal carers and providers.  With all of these key groups involved in provide support, hayylo is helping bridge the communication gap and ensure personalised care is provided.  It becomes powerful when clients / advocates and informal carers leave preferences, instructions and notes; all of which are available to the provider teams as soon as they arrive to assist.

hayylo, is a new breed of tools in the app dominated future of support services.  Eliminating the need for large scale implementations, has been key to the success of the Melbourne based technology team who’s app is both intelligent, aware and simple.

Drop the hayylo team a note at hello@hayylo.com or visit www.hayylo.com to find out more or to arrange a trial.