In this months community news we wanted share some interesting things happening on hayylo. Day after day we are blown away by the ideas created by hayylo users and believe that everyone can benefit from a more open and connected care experience. If your a care provider, lifestyle co-ordinator, family member, client or friend, you should find some of the following ideas helpful as you navigate the evolving world of hayylo.
- Get to know your people – The powerful thing about hayylo is the ability to create a story around someone receiving care. We spent sometime talking with one of our providers recently who uses hayylo as a way to discover preferences for activates, social outings, general likes and even dislikes. The provider, who works in residential care, asked the families to share information about their loved one on hayylo. This built a picture around the person, gave staff access to information about their residents they had never had before and has created a more personal care experience. The information collected was simple, what they did for work, what they liked, disliked and even things used as conversation starters like what football team they follow.
- Keeping families closer – Something that we find really exciting is the increase in contact between families and clients when using hayylo. We see families posting on average 1 – 2 updates per week using hayylo, whilst before they would only speak to their loved one on average every two weeks. This has allowed for stronger family connection and a reduction in the isolation sometimes felt by clients in care. By setting aside dedicated time each week to posting something to the family, you can really make a change to someone’s life. The effect this has on staff moral is huge, as well as the obvious effect on the family and most importantly the client.
- Special messages – One thing we have seen over the easter break is the growing number of video’s shared on hayylo. Because so many families live in different locations to their loved one, the use of 30 second video messages has helped families stay closer when enjoying special occasions like Easter. As an example we see families share messages from the grandkids enjoying an easter hunt and then the social care team respond with a quick message or similar experiences at the home! Nan enjoying the easter bunny visit etc. One of our clients told us recently that this new type of messaging has completely changed the way they look at leisure and lifestyle and has really created a buzz with the residents wanting to share things with their family.
These are just a few ideas different things the hayylo community are doing but the possibilities are endless. If you would like to share something your group is doing or would like to know more about any of the above ideas, please drop us a line at